A message from Springville Fire Chief, Marc Gentner
Springville Volunteer Fire Department provides 24/7 fire and EMS response in Springville, New York. We rely on volunteers from our community to step up and make a difference. We are always looking for good women and men to join us in making our district a better place. We train you, through NYS and Homeland security, to become Interior or Exterior Firefighters, Drivers, Pump Operators, EMT’s, Fire Police and more. We’re always looking forward to what comes next wtih SVFD and hope you do too. Download an application below, to join us as a Firefighter, EMT or to become part of our Jr. Firefighter program. Volunteer today, Adventure tomorrow!

Springville Volunteer Fire Department is proud to be able to bring our Junior Firefighter program to the Village of Springville. Through the dedicated efforts of several SVFD Officers, Firefighters, SVFC board members, along with assistance from Jr. FF. Program administrators in the Depew Fire Departments, we are now able to offer the youth of our community the opportunity to become part of our Firefighter family. This community and confidence building program is a great opportunity for young adults, between the ages of 14 – 17, to make new and lasting friendships, while learning how to be calm under pressure in multiple aspects of emergency preparedness. There are many benefits that can be discussed further upon interview, such as scholarship opportunities and tuition reimbursement, all while adding experiential knowledge and making lifelong connections that have invaluable influence on character and career. Please check out our Jr. Firefighter page for more details.

The Springville Firefighter’s Auxiliary is a group of volunteers whose mission is to support our Springville Fire Department and therefore help serve our community. We meet the first Tuesday of every month, except July and August, at the Springville fire hall on Main st at 7pm, where the meetings are less than an hour long on average. We know that life is crazy so we just ask that you volunteer as much time as you are able too, and we will be thankful for whatever time you are able to give! To learn more about our mission, history and how we assist SVFD from behind the scenes, as well as on-scene during emergency events as SQUAD 10, stop by the Auxiliary’s page on the website. Please feel free to download an application from there! Thank you.
There is no maximum age to join us at SVFD and if you are physically able to meet the medical requirements for the role you are applying for, your application will be considered. Keep in mind that while you may not meet the medical/physical criteria to be an interior firefighter, you may meet the criteria to serve as an exterior firefighter, a driver, pump operator, fire police member, EMS provider or fill other important support roles.
Download an application today and either give it to a known member of SVFD or drop it off in person, any Monday night at 7PM, during the first minutes of our Monday training sessions.
Upcoming Events
A few of our most recent upcoming events are listed below. Please check out our full calendar for more info on upcoming Fire Company events, such as our Company meetings, Auto Show and our Sportsmans’ raffle. You’ll also find info on Fire Department events, Such as our weekly drills and community events. If you are interested in renting one of our facilities, be it our Main St. Station hall or our grounds on Nason Blvd., please review our Facilities Rental page for information.
Thank you for stopping by the new Springville Volunteer Fire Department website. Please check back often as pages expand and more info becomes available. We hope to make this a hub for the community, to learn more about volunteering, SVFD events, hall rental avilability and most importantly, ways to help keep you and your family safe in the event of an emergency. Stay tuned and be safe.