Firefighter’s Auxiliary

Mission Statement: The Springville Firefighter’s Auxiliary is a group of volunteers whose mission is to support our Springville Fire Department and therefore help serve our community.
The Springville Firefighter’s Auxiliary was started all the way back in 1935, known then as the Springville Women’s Auxiliary. Since then, we have evolved to include both men and women in our group from all different backgrounds. Our goal as a group is to support our Springville Fire Department, and therefore we are also helping to serve our community. We help support our Springville Fire Department in a few different ways. We will send a group of us to help at any of their fundraisers and events, we will hold our own fundraising events, and we also have our Squad 10 group available when needed. Being a part of the auxiliary is a great alternate way to get involved with your local fire department and help give back to your community.
2023 was the first year since the pandemic that our group has done any sort of fundraising. In 2023 we held our first pancake breakfast fundraiser, we had a basket raffle event at the Springville Fireman’s Car Show, and we also had our first couple of square dances. Although we were very successful with these fundraising events, we are always trying to think of new and creative ways to help raise money! These events allow us to raise money not only for our own group, but it allows us to donate money back to the Springville Fire Department. Donating money back to the fire department is one small way that we can show our appreciation for everything that these first responders do for us and our community. Make sure to follow our Facebook page to stay up to date on all our events!
Squad 10 is an optional squad within our group that is available to join as well. This group is available to our Springville Fire Department when they need our help. This usually will occur during intense calls, such as a structure fire, where our first responders may be out at a scene for hours. Imagine being a firefighter and you get a call for a structure fire right before you sit down for dinner, then 6 hours later you are still at the fire scene and are tired, hungry, and thirsty. This is where Squad 10 comes in to help. When this group is called in, we will pack up coffee, hot chocolate, coolers full of cold beverages, and food and we will bring them right to the call scene. Once on scene we will set up a table off to the side and we will begin distributing these items. It may not seem like a big deal, but when you have been on a scene for what seems like hours on end, a little hot coffee or a sandwich may just give you the extra energy you need to keep going. Any training needed for this squad will be given during meetings and hands on during calls, but no testing is required to join and serve on Squad 10.
Our group is always looking for new members. We have members that have been in this group for a very long time and have done a phenomenal job at making this group into the amazing Auxiliary that it is today. So, we want to make sure that we carry on their legacy and continue doing the important work that this Auxiliary does. This can only happen though if there are new members to pass down their knowledge to. We have had our biggest influx of new members ever in 2023, but we would still love to have some more! There is no super lengthy application that needs to be filled out, no classes or tests that need to be taken and passed. It is super easy to join! All you have to do is reach out to any of our existing members or even anyone in the fire department, contact us through our Facebook page, or just show up at any of our meetings and we can get you the short application and hopefully get you accepted! We meet the first Tuesday of every month, except July and August, at the Springville fire hall on Main st at 7pm, where the meetings are less than an hour long on average. We know that life is crazy so we just ask that you volunteer as much time as you are able too, and we will be thankful for whatever time you are able to give!
There is no maximum age to join us at SVFD and if you are physically able to meet the medical requirements for the role you are applying for, your application will be considered. Keep in mind that while you may not meet the medical/physical criteria to be an interior firefighter, you may meet the criteria to serve as an exterior firefighter, a driver, pump operator, fire police member, EMS provider or fill other important support roles.
Download an application today and either give it to a known member of SVFD or drop it off in person, any Monday night at 7PM, during the first minutes of our Monday training sessions.
Thank you for stopping by the new Springville Volunteer Fire Department website. Please check back often as pages expand and more info becomes available. We hope to make this a hub for the community, to learn more about volunteering, SVFD events, hall rental avilability and most importantly, ways to help keep you and your family safe in the event of an emergency. Stay tuned and be safe.